President (Muhammad Abubakar Yar'Adua)
1. A clear Vision of ICACS 2012/2013: What is the society's next frontier? What does he/she see it doing better/more next year? In which direction does he/she intend to lead it in 2012/2013? What vision does he/she have for ICACS 2012/2013?
2. Ability to raise sponsorship funds: Ready to lead sponsorship drive in March-April 2012 and Summer 2012; Imaginative as per avenues through which funds can be raised; Pragmatic as per what shall have to be done to ensure funds are raised in a timely manner.
3. Able to lead the team as a team: Ability to handle the different and often polarised personalities that shall exist in the Committee and within society, such that progress is maintained
4. Ability to inspire the Committee and the ACS: Ability to catalyse the contribution of ideas from all committee members and create a fertile atmosphere in which good, imaginative ideas can blossom; Ability to excite current and potential members to become involved with the society
5. Ability to make good decisions: Required decisions based on clear understanding of their practicality and required commitments, yet still daring and adventurous; Many decisions shall be made under pressure
Vice Presidents (Ada Onwubiko and Misimi Osekita)
As Vice president you act as a supporting role to the President and must work to help ensure the correct decisions are made to benefit the society. You must also understand that the president is the leader and his/her decisions must be respected; even if you may disagree, it is a case of making it work.
A lot of work takes place over the summer to secure sponsorship for the society; therefore the qualities of dedication and persistence are required from a very early stage
You act as a bridge between all committee members and should therefore have a rough knowledge of each department of your committee and what their delegated tasks/responsibilities are to ensure that they are being undertaken
Qualities that you should have are good communication skills (especially when securing sponsorship), strong support skills, you must be a team player, encouraging to all and a positive attitude
Most importantly be prepared to work ANYWHERE with ANYONE!! Whether it be acts, scholarships, meetings, rehearsals you need to be flexible and willing to help or oversee every aspect of the society
Events Officer (Toyin Oni)
As events co-ordinator, the committee looks to you to provide ideas for the society’s events. This requires creativity, thinking outside of the box and the confidence to execute your vision, sometimes when others may not see it. You need to find ways to take events to the next level and make them something to remember. ACS’s signature events – Afrogala, Chop Chop, the Big Chill etc should be better in 2011/2012 than they were in 2010/2011!
You’ll need to communicate with many different types of people – staff at Imperial’s union, the Conferences office, other societies (Dramsoc, OSC), external companies, external performers as well the committee and society members. This requires the ability to interact with lots of different kinds of people and know when to bite your tongue in order to get things done.
You should not be afraid of delegating and asking for help, especially during the Afrogala season. Your organisation needs to be at the highest level, as you will be the point of call of the committee, sub-committee and performers. You are by all means supported in your duties by the rest of the committee, but YOU must take responsibility for the execution of the event’s planning.
At times, you need to make unpopular decisions. As the events co-ordinator, you know how each person’s contribution to an event will manifest as a whole, so you sometimes need to disagree with other people’s plans. Don’t be afraid to say no and be critical. In the end, people will appreciate your fire!
A high level of perseverance, patience and a high tolerance for stress is needed! Stay calm and trust in your abilities! Your passion for ACS should carry you through!
Treasurer (Bola Ajekigbe)
1- organised: to cope with the amount of claims needed to be done and also keeping an eye on the budget requires one to be fairly organised. Dating, filling the budget book, etc
2- Critical: make sure all purchases keep under budget, all big purchases should be passed by you just in case. Also be ready to question and possibly turn down some requests depending on the circumstance.
3- Analytical: questions will pop up and problems regarding events. Solving these problems, financial or not is something everyone in the committee should be able to do.
4-Informed & Dedication: It gets hectic at times. When at least 5 receipts come in a day. One has to be willing to dedicate time to not just filling claims but also other requests, internal transfer requests. Also equally important is to have some knowledge about school regulations and types of forms to fill out, etc
5- Team player: be willing to contribute and help others on the committee, and outside the committee. Working with other societies is necessary and we work as a society. Every decision should be made with each member chipping in. Only then will decisions be optimised.
Marketing Officers (Joanna Kefas, Bayo Ibirogba and Zeme Olotu)
Being in the marketing team means being directly responsible for maintaining a good image of ICACS to the Imperial student body and beyond. You should be:
Innovative - Be able to bring great ideas to the table & find new and interesting ways of marketing events, sometimes Facebook status updates just won't cut it and you will need to learn how to spread the word like wildfire. It’s just like making a product that you are going to sell in a shop - you will have to think about what makes my product good, why would someone want to buy it and what can I do make sure they do!
Approachable, confident and a conversation initiator - Marketing membership to Non-Members (white, black, yellow, green - even bacteria should know about ACS!!) + getting people excited about IC ACS & will only happen if you have a passion for ACS and the brute force to let people know about it! You will be surprised how many friends you will make in the process.
Creative and Open minded - Organising tickets sales and promotional material for all events + maybe learning a new skill or two & using all the tools + connections at your disposal to get the job done!
Supportive - Be able to work well in a team and complement the skills of others - really picking up the best in people and knowing how you work best and what you and others are good at in order to produce the best quality marketing.
Expect to do more than Market! As a team you are part of a unit so expect to do a bit of PR in writing emails to companies, expect to do some treasurer work and collect and count up gains. Expect to carry coolers of rice and generally running from here to there, and be able to do it with an honest smile on your face whilst you simultaneously sell the ACS to everyone around you.
Secretary (Claire Rotich)
A secretary needs to be On hand!! - When it comes to being in a committee like this, you need to be able to use many talents in doing jobs for the committee. As someone who can be counted on, don't just expect to be typing and writing emails. You have to be proactive.
A secretary needs to be a People person!! - You need to be able to approach people in a friendly manner whether they may be industry contacts, union contacts or just friends. You need to have your happy face and manners on because you are the first person other people contact and want to speak to!
A secretary needs to be a Mediator!! - This is not just applicable to the outside environment in the public eye! This is mainly done within the committee to make sure everyone knows what job they are doing and to make sure that it is done and then relay this to the whole team.
A Secretary needs to be Supportive!! - As a secretary it is important that you help out in anyway you can. We count n each other to bring the enthusiasm but you need to keep it going with emails sent to the Society and to ones sent within the committee!!
A Secretary needs to be Organised!! - Dates, Times, Names, Place ... You need to make sure you have them all at hand (or at least have the contact number of someone who does!!). From little things like keeping the time and minutes of each meeting, to sending out emails and sending out advertisements within the emails, to helping the committee market and form and event, don't write off the secretary job as a no-brainer!! I've had fun with this job and its amazing committee and I know the next person will do so too!!
Public Relations Offcer (Ore Bajomo)
• Be able to speak with corporate clients confidently and comfortably. Requires good communication skills and excellent Networking skills.
• Also requires good interpersonal skills.
• Be willing to accept tasks delegated by other officers e.g. President, Events officer, Marketing Officers etc.
• You will need to have good written communication skills especially when writing proposals for external funding.
• Don’t be afraid to challenge the ideas of others in the team because you could be saving the whole team a lot of future problems!
• You are part of a team and you need to be willing to cooperate, especially in the Afrogala period; you will be delegated jobs that will be crucial to the success of the show. You need to be confident enough to go and speak to the union people to help out your events officers, who will indeed be extremely busy!
Society Welfare Officer (Natalie Ansuh)
Being such a new role, there is still so much that can be done! From my experience this year, I would say you need to.....
• Be able to communicate with primary and secondary school children, school teachers and the equality department in IC and provide them with any help that you can. Enjoy giving talks to school children
• Be inspiring to others and have a general passion for ACS and promoting education.
• Work closely with the charity that ACs is sponsoring. Be able to communicate effectively with them, work alongside them. You are essentially the link between the ACS committee and this charity.
• Enjoy fundraising and come up with innovative and manageable ways to fundraise
• Be willing to support your own committee in whatever way possible. Being accommodating and remaining calm will help!!
IT and Communications Officer (Seshane Mahlo)
- As an IT Officer, you should have a general understanding of how websites work and be able to adapt to the ways our website can be edited
- Will be responsible for the updating of the website and Facebook group and profile, as well as the blog and Twitter page.
- Should liaise with the marketing officer and events coordinator to promote events
- Should be readily available to help other members of the committee
- Should be actively involved in committee meetings and general ACS proceedings so will know what to update on the website or Facebook group and profile, blog and twitter accounts.