
Friday, 21 January 2011


GET YOUR TICKETS RIGHT NOW FROM http://www.imperialcollegeunion.org/afro-caribbean-11/african-caribbean-afrogala-premium-tickets-2552/product.html

ALTERNATIVELY CALL Emma (07502 332492) or Rasheed (07947 506897)


Thursday, 20 January 2011

What does this have to do with Afrogala??

The only way to find out is to BUY YOUR TICKET AND COME to Imperial College ACS's 12th annual Afrogala: Beautiful Warfare

Tickets are available online here: http://www.imperialcollegeunion.org/afro

You DO NOT have to go to Imperial to buy a ticket online! If you're not an Imperial student, click the option that says "I am not a current or ex-Imperial College London student or staff member", register and get your ticket.. simples!!!!! 

Alternatively, tickets are being sold in South Kensington (Sir Alexander Fleming building) and Charing Cross campus (Reynolds building) every lunchtime from 12pm -2pm. Call Emma on 07502332492 or Rasheed on 07947506897 

If none of these work for you, we can arrange to meet you personally to get your tickets.

DO NOT wait around and get left behind!! 

5th February 2011, Imperial Colelge - ICACS calls you to service!!
Keep your eyes open for the trailer!

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Beautiful Warfare has OFFICIALLY LANDED!

So we've been talking about AG.11 for months but TONIGHT is the official marketing launch!

AFROGALA is unrivalled as being the biggest and best African-Caribbean student show in the UK.
For 11 years running, the Imperial College African Caribbean Society has produced jaw-dropping performances celebrating African and Caribbean talent and culture. In 2009 we celebrated the 10th anniversary of this eclectic production and it is sure to gain momentum and grow for years to come as we seek to broaden the scope of what Afrogala can do.

Beautiful   Warfare is 2011’s contribution to Afrogala’s legacy - a theme thoughtfully captured in each act; portraying both sides of this oxymoron. From street dance to modelling; African drums to Caribbean melodies; from thought-provoking verses to not-so-serious dramas, we guarantee a night of sheer entertainment, bursting with variety and a take home message:

In whatever we fight for or against, whatever we need to overcome, may its beauty be evident.

Afrogala is much more than a show: it is the vitality of our heritage and an opportunity for people to connect and develop a mature appreciation of our culture. 

Below is the AG.11 Promo Video!!

Trailer out soon!!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Times Top Universities in Africa 2010


So Tobi (one of our three amazing marketing directors) brought this article to my attention and I just felt to share it...

As the title suggests, it reports the top African Universities in rank order. So I clicked on the link and found that they concluded there are only two universities in the whole of Africa worthy of even being included in the rankings - University of Cape Town, South Africa and Alexandria University, Egypt. 

When I saw this I immediately thought it was just some sock sat in his/her bedroom writing untrue things. But if you continue to read it, it does look like the research was put in and this is not just an attack on Africa, the second largest and second most populated continent on the planet. 

Whether it's true or not, it does raise some thought-provoking points. I quote:

“Africa inherited a higher education system that was a carbon copy of [that of] the powers that colonised it. Right from the beginning, Africa started on a wrong footing – well behind the starting line, so to speak.
“Despite all the political and economic turmoil it has gone through since independence – often of its own making – it is now expected to compete on a completely non-level playing field. Not only is this unfair, it is also inappropriate,” says Mohamedbhai, who has also served as vice-chancellor of the University of Mauritius."
And then..
“Many of its best students take their higher degrees at universities in Europe, Asia and North America. Too few return. The African diaspora provides powerful intellectual input to the research achievements of other countries but returns less benefit to the countries of birth,” the report says.
“Science and technology are critical not only to the continent’s economic prosperity but also to such matters as food security, disease control, access to clean water and environmental sustainability…The volume of [research] activity remains small, much smaller than is desirable if the potential contribution of Africa’s researchers is to be realized for the benefit of its populations.”
The truth is, we all read this kind of stuff and think "yeah it's a real shame', but how many of us really intend on going back to our mother countries to work? I don't think this makes us selfish but we can't act like these kind of remarks aren't directed at us. I was born in the UK but I still feel like  I'm very much included. 
So yeah, I don't want to go into a debate cos that's not what this blog is for, but I think it's definitely worth thinking about
2011 ACS loveeee
Emma xx

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Look at how talented our secretary is!!

Miss Alexis Nelson drew this to embody 2011's Afrogala, 'Beautiful Warfare'
Amazing is it not!?

Mission AG.11: Beautiful Warfare

ICACS Calls you to service!!