So I know I'm always on here with some crazy post about ICACS.. but it has occurred to me that I haven't been emphasising the success of our careers events as much (you should know I'm writing this when I should be revising my haematology lectures. Ironic..? Maybe so.)
So during Back to Black week, (which if I never told you, was h'amazingggg, 'Best of B2B Week' video is on its way) we had a careers convention. We invited SEO and Rare recruitment to come down, and a really good number of people came down to sign up and appreciate these organisations' advice and services. This was early on in the year (21st October) so I think it set the pace for our more career-centred events nicely.
A few weeks ago, around a dozen representatives from Bank of America Merril Lynch came down for a Banking Symposium. This event was actually one of my favourites of the year so far. The students split up into teams and each team had a representative from Merril Lynch guiding them through a quiz. No doubt this provided the perfect opportunity for people to network with real bankers and ask them real questions face to face! The event was more than successful and should definitely become a part ICACS tradition.
Then yesterday, Uche Ezichi of Aceeva - an organisation created to teach students how to confidently grab opportunities when they arise - gave an inspirational talk about how to turn a networking opportunity into an interview opportunity. I personally appreciated the realness of his talk and how practical all his advice was.
One thing that our careers events have done really well is brought non-members to ICACS. It's really nice to see people who aren't African or Caribbean and people who aren't from Imperial accepting our invitations and learning a little bit about what ICACS is all about.
So.. no doubt there will be a lot more events this year so keep your eyes open!
ACS hand-shakes,
Emma xx
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